Tickle His Pickle - Gifts

Tickle His Pickle
Hotter Sex Is Now In Your Hands!

Here's the penis instruction manual that should come with every guy-all the highly orgasmic touches and techniques that'll rev up your passion, rekindle his intimacy, and spark the reddest hottest lustiest sex ever.
Peek Inside. You'll Discover...

* Over 50 sizzling techniques to master oral lovemaking
* How to fulfill his erotic fantasies (so he'll beg for more)
* Arousing sex toy tricks that'll supercharge his orgasms
* A tiny erogenous zone that triggers king-sized climaxes
* Top 10 tips to avoid the biggest penis no-no's

Plus many more turn-ons for both of you!
Product Information
147 Pages
Tickle Kitty
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NZ$ 59.95
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